Teachable Review : the pros of the platform

Teachable Review : the pros of the platform

The tendency of the global electronics market size

E-learning market size was valued at over $165 billion in 2015 and is likely to grow at over a 5% rate from 2016 to 2023 to a market size of $240 billion according to Global Market Insights research. Especially during the covid crisis, personal development has transferred to the internet, causing this trend to increase dramatically.

Hands up if you’ve ever had the experience like this: you are doing a job finished at 5 pm on weekdays, but you have the passion and hope that you can share your knowledge and help more people during your free time; or you has your unique way on learning, which can be proved that you have prepared for the CAF, IELTS, PTE exams and achieved the desired results, yet you still want to share your notes to others and earn some income at the same time.

The rapid development of the Internet has led us to sell our knowledge online instead of physical assets. By selling courses online, we just need to choose a good platform that helps you and suits you. If you have the skills and want to share with others and earn some extra money by the way. Please read on.

When mentioning the online course platforms, many people would hear about Teacherable, Thinkfic, Podia, Learnworlds, Udemy, Skillshare, and many others. All of these online course platforms have different strengths and weaknesses. Any of them could be used to start and grow a successful online business. However, every online course creator should test out multiple platforms before settling on one option. I ultimately settled on using Teachable for the benefits it provides. Let me share my experience with you about how well it performs so that help me achieve my online course selling goals:

  • Allows me to sell more than just courses

 I can sell digital downloads like ebooks, workbooks, templates, and audiobooks. I can also sell coaching, consulting, memberships, freelance services, challenges, workshops, webinars, and live classes. Anything that you can create in a digital format can be sold on Teachable.

  • Easy to use and manage

Everything is “drag and drop.” Creating an online course or digital product inside Teachable is as easy as uploading a few videos, PDF’s or adding a block of text within the course builder. And you can create your own branded website without setting up a separate site or blog if you don’t want to.

Teachable takes care of all of the technical stuff, such as creating password-protected accounts for your students, providing a secure payment gateway for your customers to purchase your courses and products, student progress reports, and managing multiple instructors or affiliates, so that you can focus on building amazing products and making sales.

Teachable makes it very easy to manage
  • Free or low-cost

By comparison, other courses that teach you how to create and sell courses range from $997 to $3997, but you can get all of the instruction and support you need just by signing up with Teachable for $29 a month.

While I felt that Teachable was the best solution for my needs, it’s not perfect. There are a few quirks with the platform that annoy the living daylights of me, but I’ve managed to work around them by integrating free or low-cost software. I am so appreciative of this platform like the other users and maybe one of them are your stories in the future, so just sign up to Teachable and start creating your own story.

Teachable price
  • Professional and safety

Unlike course marketplaces like Udemy or Skillshare, you have total control over your products’ price and how you communicate with your students and customers. Since your Teachable site is a standalone website that you have total control over, you don’t have to worry about competing with other course creators like you would if you were selling your products in a course marketplace.

Unlike selling courses on a WordPress site, with Teachable, you don’t have to worry about managing multiple plugins or risk having your site hacked because you forget to update your security software.

Click the picture to access the free Teachable Quickstart webinar to get started fast with selling online courses

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